Tour de PPA
Tour de PPA
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Venue: Durbanville Race Course
Normal Entry Fees
110 km: PPA members: R240; Non-PPA members: R340
72 km: PPA members: R220; Non–PPA members: R320
Start times:
110 km: 06h30
72 km: 08h00
Wednesday, 19 February:
Tygervalley Sportsmans Warehouse from 12h00 to 18h00
Revolution Cycles – Specialized Concept Store, 177 Bree Street, Cape Town from 11h00 – 14h00
Thursday, 20 February:
Rondebosch Sportsmans Warehouse from 12h00 to 18h00
Sunday, 23 February:
At the venue – Durbanville racecourse from 05h00
Late registration will also take place on the day of the event, from 05h30, at the Durbanville Racecourse.
110 km route
With three climbs split evenly through the route, this is a ride that calls for measured energy outputs.
From Durbanville, riders climb up Tiekiedraai before turning right onto the undulating Contermanskloof Road. They then head right at the Vissershok stop street to tackle the tough climb up Vissershok. After winding their way through Durbanville, cyclists turn left onto Wellington Road and onto the flatter open roads.
At the R312/Fisantekraal intersection, riders continue straight to the R44 where they will turn left. It’s another left at Voor-Paardeberg and left again onto the R304 before joining up with the 72 km route at the silos. The riders will then head back towards Durbanville via Adderley Road.
72 km route
A lot flatter after the Vissershok climb, this shorter route will see cyclists able to hook a big gear and build up some speed in the bigger bunches.
From Durbanville, riders climb up Tiekiedraai before turning right onto the undulating Contermanskloof Road. They then head right at the Vissershok stop street to tackle the tough climb up Vissershok. After winding their way through Durbanville, cyclists turn left onto Wellington Road and onto the flatter open roads.
At the R312/Fisantekraal intersection, a cyclist on this route will turn left on the R304, left again on the R302 and then right onto the Philadelphia road. From there the riders will then head back towards Durbanville via Adderley Road.
Water points: the 110 km route has 5 spread out evenly along the course. The 72km route has 4.
From the N1, take the Durban Rd/Willie van Schoor Rd off-ramp and pass Tygervalley Centre towards Durbanville. Turn left into Tindale road. At the T-junction, turn left into Racecourse road. Pass the Durbanville Nature Reserve on your right; then follow the parking signs to the Durbanville Race Course. GPS: S: 33°50.27; E 18°38.24.
An ideal warm-up for the Cape Town Cycle Tour, the upcoming Tour de PPA on 23 February will help cyclists gauge their fitness fine-tune their strategy.
The last PPA fun ride before the annual Cycle Tour, this event starts and ends at the Durbanville Racecourse, and is a great opportunity to get in a final, solid training session on a course that includes the testing Vissershok climb.
There are two routes in the event – a 110 km and 72 km – and the longer version counts for Cycle Tour seeding.
There will be a Strava segment along Vissershok. The fastest male and female will be awarded the King of the Hill prize on the day.
The first across the line (male and female) in each route will receive a prize at prize giving.
There will also be a prize given to the fastest time recorded on the day (male and female) in each route. This will be made available later once the results of the event have been finalised.
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