30 Nov 2016 PPA warns cyclists not to use Paarden Island cycle lane after latest attack
The Pedal Power Association has issued a warning to cyclists to not use the Paarden Island cycle lane after the recent spate of muggings, with the latest mugging taking place earlier today. Capetonian Maon Saxe was apprehended by three men and knocked off his bike. They grabbed his bicycle and phone and ran.
Three pedestrians on their way to work assisted Saxe after hearing his shouts. They managed to retrieve his bicycle, but the perpetrators got away with his phone. Saxe fortunately sustained only some bruises on his arm. He said the area is not safe, even when riding with others.
Earlier today PPA CEO Robert Vogel said that the Association has on several occasions within the past year raised their concerns about the safety of cyclists using the cycle lane with the City of Cape Town. “We are aware of all the muggings, as well as the killing of a vagrant on the cycle path. We urge cyclists to not use the cycle lane until the security issue has been addressed,” Vogel said.
“We have sent correspondence and raised the issue in meetings with the City of Cape Town, including the TCT section, as well as with councilor Brett Herron. We are very concerned about the safety of cyclists on this route. We recommend that the City of Cape Town close the route until a workable solution is found.”
Amongst others, the Association has recommended to the City of Cape Town to warn the public about the potential dangers of using the cycle path before entering the cycle path. As a long-term solution, the Association recommends re-routing the cycle lane through the Harbour.
“Millions have been spent on the cycling lanes in and around the City of Cape Town and it is important to ensure the safety of cyclists who make use of it,” Vogel concluded.