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PPA salutes legend of Cape Town Cycle Tour, Paul de Groot

PPA salutes legend of Cape Town Cycle Tour, Paul de Groot

It is with great shock and sadness that we heard of the sudden passing of a giant in the cycling world, Paul De Groot or Mr. Hoopla as he was fondly known as. Paul was not only a founder member of the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust, but the voice which encouraged thousands of nervous cyclists each year to start the Cape Town Cycle Tour with his famous Hoopla shout out.  Never will the start of a Cape Town Cycle Tour be the same again. We will always miss hearing your fantastic voice as MC, Paul.  On behalf of the Pedal Power Association, we wish to relay our sincere condolences to his wife Pat and the rest of his family as well as the many charity organisations that Paul served on. You will be sorely missed.