17 Jun 2020 PPA Membership renewal 2020/2021 – Cycling is part of the solution
For many of you, it is that time of year to renew your membership which is so critical for us to be able to support cycling and the interests of cyclists. Your contributions help fund our activities, as well as giving PPA credibility as an organisation representing thousands of cyclists.
As we are all too aware the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected every aspect of our lives and PPA is no exception. Due to the restrictions on gatherings the events side of what we do has been suspended and whilst there are some positive indications, we cannot predict with any certainty how things are going to unfold.
However, in every crisis there is opportunity and the recognition around the world of the importance of cycling and the contribution it can make in enabling safe, socially distanced travel has strengthened the need for the role PPA plays in advocating that “Cycling is part of the Solution” and our “voice” has become even more needed in these times.
We have stepped up our activities in pushing for cycling in all its forms as a sustainable, healthy, affordable, and viable means of transport and recreation. Activities include lobbying and liaising with government for improving safety for cyclists, improved cycling infrastructure through reallocating budgets for cycling and raising awareness of the role of cycling both as transport and a sport.
One area in which we are pushing the authorities particularly hard for is “pop up” facilities that enable safe, socially distanced cycling as an alternative to public transport. Many of you will have seen the significant increase in recreational cycling as lockdown is eased. This and the need to travel safely to and from work is a great opportunity to lobby for safe cycling and good routes for all our citizens.
For PPA to continue pushing for cycling to be part of the solution and get the space it deserves on both our roads and on trails your support is essential. We cannot continue without your loyal support. We have thus decided not to increase fees and appeal to you to renew your membership now.
We wish all our members and their families well in these times and look forward to seeing you out there on your bicycles. Please remember to ride safely and observe all health protocols