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PPA Event News: 19 January 2011

PPA Event News: 19 January 2011

In this email:

  • Project funding applications
  • Order your cycling top now for the Cycle Tour
  • Forthcoming funrides
  • Amendment to PPA Funride rules
  • PPA Disqualifications update
  • Killarney Training Sessions are starting this week
  • West Coast Cycle Paths opening
  • What’s on the PPA calendar this weekend?

Project Funding Applications

Do you have a worthwhile cycling project that needs some funding? Read more on the PPA website home page.

PPA Cycling Top

Wear your PPA cycling top when you do the 2011 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour! Get your order in soonest, as it takes 4 weeks for delivery. More info on the PPA web site home page.

Forthcoming Funrides on the PPA Calendar

Diarise these upcoming events and get your entries in soonest:

Sunday 23 January: Boland Drukpers Funride (PCS event)
Sunday 30 January: Bouckaert Soenen  Funride and MTB (PCS event)
Saturday 5 February: Franschhoek Lions / Porcupine MTB Challenge
Sunday 6 February: GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster
Saturday 12 February: Reeds Chevrolet 99ER Cycle Race (Cycle Tour 2012 Seeding Event)
Sunday 13 February: Three Passes Funride

Amendment to PPA Funride Rules

Rule 19 of the PPA funride rules has been amended as follows: Cyclists may carry a child in a “baby seat” on a bike, or in a child trailer, provided the child wears an approved helmet, on the short or medium routes, or the short or medium MTB route if the MTB route is non-technical.  The child must be safely and securely anchored in the seat.  The suitability of MTB routes will be detemined by the PPA Office and will be announced as such.  Cyclists carrying kids in carrier seats or on trailer bikes may not start in their usual seeded start groups, but must start with the last seeded start group.

Disqualifications at PPA Funrides

We are very pleased to report that the number of rider disqualifications at events decreased dramatically towards the end of the Spring funride season. One PPA member was suspended until 2012 for repeatedly taking shortcuts, yet crossing the timing mats.

During Spring, cyclists were disqualified as follows:
White line transgressions:
PCS (league) riders failing to “roll-in”: 4
Not completing the full route: 3
Dangerous riding: 1
Riding in the wrong group: 8
Using an iPod while riding: 1

Tuesday Cycle Training at Killarney

Join us on Tuesdays for cycling training sessions on the Killarney Motor Racing track (18h00-19h00).  Registration from 17h40. NB: Please bring and show your PPA membership card in order to qualify for the discounted PPA fee. R15.00 (PPA members); R30 (non-members).

West Coast Cycle Path Opening

The new cycle paths between Blouberg and Cape Town will be officially opened on Tuesday 1 February 2011.  The launch will take place in the morning – times to be confirmed.  Diarise the date so long and come and join us! PS: If you live out that way and work in town, why not cycle to work that day?

What’s happening on the PPA calendar this weekend?

Boland Drukpers Funride (PCS Event)
Sunday 23 January 2011
Start Time: 06h40 (100km); 07h40 (84km); 08h40 (16km)
Organising Committee: Drakenstein Cycling Club
Venue: Kronenburg Estate, Paarl
Enquiries: Rian Geldenhuys
Phone: 082 771 3994
Fax: 086 603 1000
Prize Giving / Cutt-Off: 13h00
Pre-Entries Close: 20 January 2011
Online Entries:


Long Route: Great new undulating routes and venue! 100km route: From the venue, cyclists will head out along the R45, crossing the Wellington four-way stop towards Malmesbury. The route passes briefly through Malmesbury onto the R302 towards Durbanville. Pedal past the silo’s and turn left onto the R312 at the “fruit sellers” four–way stop and left again onto the R44, heading back toward the Wellington four-way stop, and back to the venue.
Medium Route: The 84km route follows the long route all the way through Malmesbury, veering off at the Voor-Paardeberg Road (towards Windmeul) and rejoining the long route on the R44 before heading back to the venue.
Short Route: The 16km untimed route will head out on the R45, turning left at the four-way stop and left again onto the Noord-Agterpaarl road before returning to the venue.

Directions to Venue

From Cape Town, take the N1 direction Paarl. Take the Klapmuts turn-off (R44).  At the bottom of the off-ramp, turn left onto the R44. Turn right onto the R45 at the 4-way intersection and continue approximately 6 km in the direction of Paarl to Kronenburg Estate on the right.
GPS 33’40’30.9°S; 18’57’40.2°E


“Pro Classic Series” (league) event; previously the Simonsvlei funride – now with a great new route and venue.  The Kronenburg Wine Estate provides a spectacular view with a bar, cafeteria, food stalls, wine tasting and ample space for children to play. Jumping castle also available.  Children u/10 must be accompanied by an adult. Easy Entry Tickets accepted. The 16 km route will be untimed.

Weather predicted for Sunday: No rain predicted, Sunny and hot so make sure you bring plenty of water. High of 31 degrees Celcius, Low of 17 degrees celcius. 35 knot NW wind.

Remember to bring and wear your 2010-2011 PPA funride number for the funride section, or a temp day number will have to be bought. No league entries on the day. Cycling SA day licenses are required for Non-Cycling SA / Non-PPA members for all timed events.

Yours in cycling
The PPA Team

Contact us:
(021) 689-8420
Visit us: 9 Hill Park Lane, Mowbray
Membership queries:
General queries:
Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour call centre: (021) 681-4333