01 Nov 2023 PPA Big Ride In
A huge thank you to Premier Alan Winde MEC Ricardo Mackenzie Dragons Sports Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages for water and cool drinks Langa Bicycle Hub Heart FM and riders who joined us for the Pedal Power Association Big Ride In. CEO Neil Robinson handed over a memorandum to MEC Mackenzie which included the following:
Recognising the importance of walking and particularly cycling as part of sustainable transport’s contribution towards addressing social inequity and environmental impacts, this memo seeks to identify key considerations that are required to ensure that cycling and walking are prioritised in all transport planning as key modes in their own right.
Regarding cycling specifically, the benefits are extensive and well documented and include:
· It is one of the most affordable means of transport;
· It has the highest economic return on investment of all land based transport;
· It has an extremely low environmental impact;
· It has limited infrastructure requirements;
· It provides very significant associated health, community and broader societal benefits; and
· It serves the short to medium travel distances extremely well and is an effective first mile / last mile mode for longer trips undertaken by public transport as well as an important means of delivery / collection of goods in local areas.
1. Vision and Strategy: The Draft Provincial NMT Strategy should be reviewed and finalised as a matter of urgency with Universal Access being considered a key aspect.
As part of the NMT Strategy a dedicated NMT unit/section should be established and the budget allocation to the development of NMT and cycling facilities should be significantly increased (as an example the United Nations recommends that 20% of transport budgets be allocated to walking and cycling). Underpinning this is the urgent need to rapidly shift towards a sustainable transport strategy and system which prioritises active mobility and public transport over private vehicle travel.
2. Access to Bicycles: Recognising the role and contribution of the Bicycle Distribution Programme means of significantly broadening it should be considered and developed.
3. Communication and Education: A formal programme of education and awareness raising of the importance of NMT and especially cycling should be developed and implemented. This should not only target the public, but all
officials involved in transport planning and management. In addition, consideration should be given to the establishment of an NMT / Cycling forum.
4. Suitable infrastructure: Relating specifically to transport planning NMT should be the key departure point for all road-based transport projects/programmes. It is essential to prioritise and retrofit suitable NMT facilities for both new and existing roads. As part of this key routes linking settlements and economic / business centres should be developed. Infrastructure in terms of both potential numbers of cyclists and speed differentials between cyclists and vehicles should be accommodated through separated facilities where appropriate.
5. Safety and security: Linked to communication and education the 1m bylaw for passing cyclists should be enforced. Reporting of all cycling and pedestrian related incidents should be encouraged.
Traffic calming measures should be implemented at all precincts surrounding schools and educational institutions.
We strongly recommend that the nationally proposed speed restriction of 40km/h in suburban areas be implemented without waiting on national government.
6. Scholar Transport: The Scholar Transport Programme should be revisited in the light of the potential that cycling could provide in terms of both affordability and increasing opportunities beyond just scholar travel where distances are suitable for cycling. This could significantly enhance the Bicycle Distribution Programme through accessing alternate funding sources.
Whilst this is a very high-level list addressing each aspect will enhance the profile of cycling making it more attractive to all and also increasing the Western Cape being seen as cycling friendly and thus growing a cycling economy.