13 Mar 2018 Open Streets Mitchells Plain
Join in the fun and cycle with the #AtoBChallenge Bike Bus to Open Streets Mitchells Plain on 25 March 2018. Participants even stand a chance to win a bicycle!
Experience the diversity of Cape Town’s urban landscapes. The 21 km route to Mitchells Plain takes you from the leafy upmarket suburbs of Claremont through the verdant urban farmlands Philippi. Click here for the route details.
The ride starts at 10 am at Palmyra Junction, Claremont. People coming from the city or suburbs either catch a train to Palmyra Junction or park their cars at the centre and join ride. There will be a return ride back to the start, leaving from the #AtoBChallenge table, Mitchell’s Plain at 2pm.
Click here for more info.
Brought to you by Open Streets Cape Town , Bicycle South, and Pedal Power Association.