18 May 2018 National Transport Department proposes 1.2 m passing law
Below is the new amendment regulation wrt passing of a pedal cycle proposed by the National Transport Department. Send your comment on the proposed 1.2m passing law to commentsNRTR@gov.za by 20 May 2018.
“298AA. Passing of pedal cycle
(1) Subject to the provisions of regulation 296 and 298, the driver of a vehicle intending to pass a person riding on a pedal cycle proceeding in the same direction on a public road shall pass to the right thereof at a distance of one comma two metres and shall not again drive on the left side of the roadway until safely clear of the pedal cycle so passed: Provided that, in the circumstances as aforesaid, passing on the left of such pedal cycle shall be permissible if the person driving the passing vehicle can do so with safety to himself or herself, the person riding on the pedal cycle, other traffic or property which is or may be on such road and—
(a) the pedal cycle being passed is turning to its right or the person riding on it thereof has signalled his or her intention of turning to his or her right;
(b) such road is a public road in an urban area and—
(i) is restricted to vehicles moving in one direction; and
(ii) the roadway is of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles including pedal cycles;
(c) such road is a public road in an urban area and the roadway is of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles moving in each direction;
(d) the roadway of such road is restricted to vehicles moving in one direction and is divided into traffic lanes by appropriate road traffic signs; or
(e) he or she is driving in compliance with the directions of a traffic officer or is driving in traffic which is under the general direction of such officer, and in accordance with such direction:
Provided further that in no event shall any passing referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) be done by driving on the shoulders of the roadway or on the verge of the public road concerned.”.