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In this newsletter:
  • Killarney training on Tuesday
  • PPA “Heels on Wheels” presented by SHAPE magazine
  • MTB beginner's workshop this Saturday
  • Forthcoming Events: October and November
  • What’s happening this weekend: Durbanville High School Funride & MTB and Al-Azhar Funride
KILLARNEY TRAINING TODAY PPA’s cycle training sessions take place at the Killarney Motor Racing track near Milnerton on Tuesdays. These training sessions are great as you get the opportunity to practice your bunch riding and cornering in a safe, car-free environment. Registration starts at 17h30 in the pits area, with the session commencing at 18h00. Entry fees are R15.00 per PPA member, R30.00 per non-member and R5.00 for children u/12, riding with a parent. Read more in the news section on the PPA website. Please note no training will take place next Tuesday, due to the track being booked for another function.

This week in the news:
  • Bike to Work Day: Wed 19 Oct
  • Enter now for new women's-only funride!
  • Killarney training on Tuesday
  • Forthcoming events
  • This weekend on the PPA funride calendar
Congratulations to all participants who completed the PPA One Tonner on Sunday. What a great event it was - we appreciate all the notes of 'thanks' we are still receiving. This year we had over 1300 entrants; many of whom will be doing the Coronation Double Century in November. Enjoy your recovery from the One Tonner and the last bit of training before the DC - we hope to see you back at the One Tonner start line next year.

This week in the news:
  • MTB Workshop this weekend
  • Killarney training
  • Bike to Work on Wed 19 Oct
  • New women's-only funride
  • What to do if you don't complete a route
  • Forthcoming Events: October and November
  • What’s happening this weekend: PPA One Tonner
BIKE TO WORK: WED 19 OCT Worried about the new higher fuel price? Want to try something 'green'? Want to get an extra bit of exercise in for the day? Mobilize your family and friends and cycle to work on Wednesday 19 October. Using a bicycle to get to work is much easier than you think, and it may just inspire you to become a regular commuter! See the PPA website home page for more information. MTB BEGINNERS WORKSHOP Need some MTB skills training? Then join our beginners MTB skills workshop this Saturday 15 October, presented by ex-Olympic MTB rider Erica Green, on the farm Thandi in the Grabouw/Elgin area.

In this newsletter: * PPA One Tonner entries close tomorrow * Killarney training - CANCELLED for today * MTB Beginners Workshops * New women's-only funride * Bike to Work: 19 Oct * Forthcoming Events: October and November * What’s happening this weekend on the PPA funride calendar? PPA ONE TONNER – one day left to enter! Late entries and substitutions for the 153 km PPA One Tonner on Sunday 16 October close tomorrow, 5 October. Click here to enter online now! KILLARNEY TRAINING SESSION: 4 OCTOBER 2011 CANCELLED Sections of the Killarney Race Track are being resurfaced this week and as a result there will be no PPA training session on Tuesday 4 October 2011 - please keep an eye on the PPA website as we'll advise when training will resume.

In this newsletter: * PPA One Tonner entries close this Friday * Killarney training starts this week * MTB Workshops for beginners * PPA Website Forums: Yours for chatting! * New MTB and Road Funride Numbers * Forthcoming Events: September and October * This weekend on the PPA calendar: Lion of Africa De Grendel MTB PPA ONE TONNER: HAVE YOU ENTERED YET? Entries for the PPA One Tonner over 153 km on Sunday 16 October close this Friday 30 September, whereafter late entry fees apply until 5 October. Enter online here If you'd like an event T-shirt, please order yours when entering. Read more on the PPA website. KILLARNEY TRAINING PPA’s cycle training sessions on the Killarney Motor Racing track near Milnerton is starting this Tuesday, 27 September 2011. Registration starts at 17h30 in the pits area, with the session taking place from 18h00 - 19h00. Entry fees are R15.00 per PPA member, R30.00 per non-member and R5.00 for children u/12, riding with a parent.

In this newsletter: * PPA One Tonner entries: one week to go * Killarney training starts on 27 Sept * MTB Workshop with Erica Green * Forthcoming Events: September and October * This weekend on the funride calendar Pennypinchers Die Burger Karoo to Coast Mountain Bike Challenge & Piket-Bo-Berg Cycle Challenge PPA ONE TONNER – just over 1 week to go for entries! Normal entry fees apply for the month of September, whereafter late entry fees apply. Entries close on 5 October or when 1500 entries have been received, whichever comes first. Enter online here Don’t forget to pre-order your 2011 PPA One Tonner T-shirt when entering. KILLARNEY TRAINING BACK ON TRACK! Our first training session of the Spring funride season will take place next week, Tuesday 27 September from 17h30 (registration), with the actual cycling on the track taking place from 18h00-19h00. R15 for PPA members; R30 for non-members. 

In this newsletter:
  • PPA Annual General Meeting final reminder
  • PPA One Tonner: Entries open
  • EFT payments: Reference reminder
  • Security at events.
  • Forthcoming Events: September and October
PPA ONE TONNER – entries are filling up fast! Entries are still streaming in for PPA's flagship event over 153 km on Sunday 16 October. Enter online here . If you'd like an event T-shirt, please order that when entering (pre-orders only). Read more on the events page.

In this newsletter: * PPA Annual General Meeting reminder * MTB Beginner’s Workshop * PPA One Tonner entries reminder * PPA back numbers for this weekend’s events * Forthcoming Events: September and October * This weekend on the calendar: Marc’s Simonsberg Paarl Rotary MTB Challenge & Orbit Tour de Worcester PPA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The PPA Annual General Meeting is taking place next Wednesday 14 September 2011, at the Canal Walk Auditorium, 17h45 for 18h30 start. For catering purposes, please RSVP to by Friday 9 September. MTB BEGINNER’S WORKSHOP The next beginners' MTB workshops will take place on Sat 10 Sept. Topics covered include basics like how to handle obstacles, how to handle different terrain; body position and various riding techniques. Pre-bookings only. Read more here.

Another batch seeding run took place yesterday, and the funride numbers of PPA members who joined/renewed in the past 5 days, will be posted tomorrow. If you have renewed your subs and have not yet received your funride number, or think you have received an incorrect number, or are confused as to why you received the number you did, please read on...