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This week in the news:
  • Killarney Tuesday training will resume in 2012
  • Update: New women's-only funride
  • MTB Workshops this weekend
  • Forthcoming Events
  • This weekend on the funride calendar: Tiletoria West Coast Express Funride
KILLARNEY TRAINING WILL RESUME IN 2012 Due to the Killarney Motor racing track being booked for other activities, no further Tuesday training sessions will take place this year. Training will resume in January 2012 - watch the PPA website for more information. ENTRIES STILL STREAMING IN FOR NEW WOMEN'S FUNRIDE Entries are streaming in for the new "PPA Heels on Wheels, presented by Shape", with more than 300 women having already entered. This new, fun event on 11 December is specially designed to cater for newcomers, and female cyclists who perhaps don’t participate in funrides as often as they'd like, with fairly flat, doable routes over 47 km and 13 km.

12 November 2011 – Cycling South Africa reports that the outcome of the forum meeting called by SASCOC (South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee) today in Johannesburg between SASCOC senior representatives and the CyclingSA board has reinforced the partnership that exists between SASCOC as the parent organisation, and CyclingSA.

With some 300 female cyclists who have already entered the brand-new women’s-only PPA "Heels on Wheels", presented by SHAPE magazine on Sunday 11 December 2011, there are only 50 goody bags still up for grabs. The first 350 entrants receive a goody bag. This event is specially designed to cater for female cyclists who perhaps don’t participate in events as often as they’d like, or newcomers to the cycling scene. As such, the two routes are relatively flat and take place on quiet roads in the Paarl/Wellington area.

Members of the Youth Empowerment Project were delighted last week to receive bicycles and helmets from the Pedal Power Association. The “YEP clan” is a dynamic structure within the community of Khayelitsha striving to utilize different ways of encouraging participation for young people through various development programs.

Pedal Power Assotiation staff members Jannis Jagger and Elizabeth Robbins last week ventured out to Vissershok Primary School near Durbanville to hand over ten brand-new mountain bicycles on behalf of PPA as part of PPA's annual project funding initiative.

This week in the news:
  • Last Killarney training this week
  • Seeded event numbers
  • PPA “Heels on Wheels” presented by SHAPE
  • Forthcoming Events: November and December
  • What’s happening this weekend on the funride calendar: Weskus Mall Langebaan Lagoon Cycle Challenge
KILLARNEY CYCLE TRAINING Join us on 8 Nov for our last Tuesday training session of the year at Killarney. The track is unfortunately not available for the rest of November, and training sessions will resume in January 2012. SEEDED EVENT NUMBERS Please remember to bring and wear the blue road funride number to road events, and the brown funride number that says "MTB" on it, to MTB events. The numbers not only have different colours, but also a different numbering system. Because of the big difference in calculating road and MTB seeding, you will NOT be able to use your road number at a MTB event, or vice versa. Contact the PPA Office 2-3 days before an event  if you had not received a funride number to use at that event, or go to the PPA Mobile Office when you get to the event.

The last training session of the year will take place on Tuesday 8 November 2o11 (the track is not available for the remainder of November). Training will then resume on Tuesday 10 January 2012.

The Pedal Power Association recently donated bicycles and helmets to the Anna Foundation as part of the PPA's current project funding initiative.  Last week PPA staff members visited Zorgvliet West, a farm nestled near the top of the Helshoogte Pass in Stellenbosch, to meet some of the farm kids whose lives are being changed for the better by this project.

In this newsletter:
  • Killarney training on Tuesday
  • PPA “Heels on Wheels” presented by SHAPE magazine
  • Forthcoming Events: November and December
  • What’s happening this weekend: WP Road Champs and Klein Joostenberg Funride
KILLARNEY TRAINING Due to Killarney being booked this week, there will be no cycle training on Tuesday 1 November. The last training session of the year will take place on Tuesday 8 November (the track is again not available for the rest of November, unfortunately). NEW WOMEN'S-ONLY ROAD FUNRIDE To date more than 200 women have entered the PPA "Heels on Wheels", presented by SHAPE magazine (11 Dec). Choose from a 47km and 13km route. Great goody bags to the first 350 entrants. The event is specially designed to cater for newcomers to cycling and female cyclists who perhaps don’t participate in funrides as often as they'd like.. See the home page, or click on for more information and enter now!