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Congratulations to everyone who braved the terrible wind on Sunday - we salute you. Some interesting stats: Of the just over 1800 entrants, 1294 (wearing transponders) arrived on the day, with 1260 riders making it to the checkpoint just outside Malmesbury. Of these, 1115 completed...

Too many cyclists have died in the past year after being hit by a car, bus or taxi. Amongst them were Olympic cyclist Burry Stander, as well as numerous commuters and other cyclists. In the draft National Non-Motorised Transport Policy of 2008, South Africa’s National Department of Transport committed to getting more people to ride bicycles. Based on feedback from our members, one of the main reasons why more people do not ride bicycles on roads is because they are afraid of being injured or killed by a motorised vehicle. It’s as simple as that.

Cyclists participating in the PPA Toyota ‘Ride for your Life South Africa’ Tour on Saturday 14 September embarked on Stage Two of the 20-day national cycling Tour from Johannesburg to Cape Town. They left Bloemfontein en route to Oudtshoorn as part of the PPA’s safe cycling campaign which aims to raise awareness and promote a safe passing distance of 1.5m between motorists and cyclists. [caption id="attachment_4167" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Toyota Free State Cheetahs Rugby players, Johan Goosen, Cameron Jacobs and Caylib Oosthuizen showed their support for cyclists who embarked on Stage Two of the PPA Toyota ‘Ride for your Life South Africa’ Tour from Bloemfontein to Oudtshoorn.[/caption]

Entries for the PPA One Tonner (Sunday 20 October 2013) close on 10 October 2013 - please note that no late entries will be accepted. Click here to enter now. The One Tonner offers a tough new route over 163 km, starting and finishing in...

Entries for the 2014 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour have closed in record time - in less than a week.  The Cycle Tour is recognised as the world's largest individually timed cycle race, annually attracting approximately 35 000 cyclists from around the world to participate in this iconic event.

Thank you to all our members who attended the Annual General Meeting on Monday 2 September 2013. Congratulations to the new committee members:  (in alphabetical order) David Bellairs, Rob Booth, Lance Burger, Niel Cilliers, Steve Hayward, Robin Hunt-Davis, Zaakier Jacobs, Riaan Meintjes, Shayne Ramsay, Rens...

(29 August 2013, Cape Town) The Pedal Power Association today announced the launch of the PPA Toyota ‘Ride for your Life South Africa’ Tour scheduled to take place in September in support of their ongoing safety campaign, ‘Cyclists Stay Alive at 1.5m’ which urges motorists to pass cyclists with a safe berth of 1.5m. A group of cyclists will embark on a three-week, three-stage cycling tour starting in Johannesburg on 8 September.  They will pedal their way through a number of towns and cities to arrive in Cape Town on 28 September 2013.  

Entries for the 37th annual Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour will open on Sunday 1 September 2013 at 1pm.  The Cycle Tour is recognised as the world's largest individually timed cycle race, annually attracting approximately 35000 cyclists from around the world to participate in this iconic event. “Thanks to our strong charity group entry focus, entry interest for 2014 is significantly higher than in previous years.  As a result, we’re anticipating individual entries selling out in record time this year,” said David Bellairs, Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust Director .

We have unexpectedly run into problems regarding the 2013 PPA Spring league, with two Spring road funrides informing us within the last week that they are either having to cancel the event or are unable to host a league event. This left only three league events for the Spring series. In addition, while we have received tacit approval from Western Cape Cycling that they will support PPA’s leagues, we expect final resolution between PPA and CSA to be reached only during September - after the date of the first road funride of the season.