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The leagues are back! Join us for some solid racing over six events in 2016-2017 PPA League Series, starting with the 2016 West Coast Express and finishing with the 2017 Tour de PPA. The racing format goes back to age category racing, catering for elites...

The 2015-2016 membership year has been an exciting one; one that gives me great hope for the future of cycling. Our Executive Committee has, in the past year, spent many hours analysing the current status quo; and debating the way forward. PPA’s approach to cycling will...

The disciplinary sub-committee is tasked with the enforcement of the PPA Constitution and Funride Rules in the interests of safer and more enjoyable cycling for all.  Where possible, the committee has also sought to be pro-active.  For the eighth year running, motorbike marshals continued to assist...

1.    PPA v George Aspinaal PPA took cession of the claims of three cyclists who had been killed in a hit-and-run incident near Oudshoorn during 2011 after the State failed to successfully prosecute the driver who was allegedly at fault.  PPA has sued the driver for...

During 2015-2016, PPA continued our successful ‘Safe Cycling’ campaign, with several elements of the campaign now dovetailing with the Commuting/utility cycling portfolio. The current ‘Stay Wider of the Rider’ campaign aims to create maximum awareness amongst road users, encouraging all to SHARE THE ROAD. Several activations...

EVENTS Mountain bikers in South Africa are spoilt for choice, with events taking place every weekend.   In the last year, PPA assisted 17 event organisers to put on their own MTB events. We are there to support these event organisers whose primary objective is to raise funds...

The PPA is fortunate in that it has a core group of 42 passionate cycling marshals to assist at events. These marshals are all paid-up members who voluntarily give up their time to assist at events, in the interest of safety. During the 2015/2016 funride season,...