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Jonkershoek trails update

Jonkershoek trails update

We today received the following report regarding the Jonkershoek trails:

“Almost all trails in Jonkershoek were destroyed by the recent fires. At it’s finest hour (pre-fires), 25 km of single track existed in Jonkershoek. Positively moving forward, we commenced trail building on August 17. Our goal is the creation of about 70-100 km of varied single track as-well as usage of the excellent fire road network. As part of this comprehensive trail network there’s a very thorough directional and safety signage plan. Most importantly we also have a self sustaining financial plan meaning that we won’t have to knock on the same doors for funding each year.


Since 2011 we have collectively fundraised R 672,260.50 broken down as follows:


  • 2012 – R 165,105
  • 2013 – R 159,775
  • 2014 – R 219,420
  • 2015 – R 128,050.50


Contribution breakdown:


  • Individual contributions (2012 to 2015) – R 244,957 (or 36%)
  • Fundraisers (2012 and 2013) – R 84,200 (or 13%)
  • Pennypinchers Origin Of Trails (2013) – R 54,970 (or 8%)
  • Specialized Bicycles (2012 to 2015) – R 278,133.50 (or 43%)


All R 672,260.50 went directly towards trail building in Jonkershoek. Unfortunately most of that good work was destroyed in the recent fires. We are very appreciative to everybody who contributed. Thank you; your generosity means so much. These monies demonstrated the potential Jonkershoek represented; we now aim to better grasp that potential.





Although fundraising and contributions have gotten Jonkershoek to where it is today (pre-fires) we have always known that in order to best position Jonkershoek as a truly world-class trail destination the generation of income needs to be self-sustainable. We cannot continue knocking on the same doors for monies, relying on donations and fundraisers.

Since February we have been working with the CEO of MTO, Lawrence Polkinghorne on ways to make Jonkershoek self-sustainable and in doing so create the very best trail destination. MTO are aligned; they too want the very best trail destination. We have decided that the initiative will be led by MTO; a team is going to manage Jonkershoek’s trails in partnership with MTO. Essentially the gate entrance fee will be increased, effective September 1, with all surplus funds going towards trail building. Over and above we will sell a limited number of branding rights packages to interested individuals / companies at R 100,000 per package. Based upon pre-fire Jonkershoek attendance, the gate surplus income will be sufficient to create an incredible trail network. The sale of branding rights will be a positive surplus.


Moving forward, Jonkershoek will be referred to as ‘MTO Trails – Jonkershoek’. A Facebook Page has been created, where we will regularly provide updates (please visit –


  • New Jonkershoek Gate Entrance Fees (effective September 1, 2015):
    • Per entry – R 50
    • Annual Individual – R 500
    • Annual Family – R 700


We would appreciate your support in embracing these new fees, which are inline with market related entrance fees.





To establish Jonkershoek as the go-to spot in South Africa and a place to be proud of on an international scale requires the very best and most experienced team of people, as is the case with any business. Herein the team:


  • Management (each avid mountain bikers and / or trail runners):
    • Lawrence Polkinghorne – Group CEO, MTO. Thanks to Lawrence and MTO we have been afforded these amazing opportunities in Jonkershoek.
    • Bobby Behan – Managing Director, Specialized Bicycles Africa. One of the original group who started the trail building initiatives in 2011.
    • Giniel De Villiers – Dakar Rally Champion. One of the original group who started the trail building initiatives in 2011.
    • Gavin King – Owner of The Ride In Cafe in Jonkershoek, Gavin brings international experience following many years working on the global cycling circuit (road and mountain).
    • Hanno Lategan – Maties Cycling Captain. One of the original group who started the trail building initiatives in 2011. Hanno has been instrumental alongside Corrie Muller and Bennet Nel in creating the Coetzenburg XCO Course.


  • Advisory Team (each avid mountain bikers and / or trail runners):
    • Christoph Sauser – Founder of; multiple Cape Epic and World Champion, Olympic Medallist.
    • Paul Morris – arguably the most core rider in Stellenbosch, Paul’s expertise will come into play on the more technical trails. Paul is also most probably the very first ‘unofficial’ trail builder in Stellenbosch!!
    • Corrie Muller – very passionate local rider and trail builder. The driving force behind the Coetzenburg XCO Course and Pennypinchers Origin Of Trails route.
    • Michael Meyer – Managing Director, Stillwater Sports. Michael’s expertise will come to play especially in relation to events.
    • Alexa Cunningham – Sponsorship and Events Manager, Stillwater Sports.
    • Kathy Crabbe – General Manager, The trial network will have strong links to social development.
    • Julia Skea – Attorney and trustee of
    • Paul Haumann – Chartered Accountant and one of the original group who started the trail building initiatives in 2011.
    • Over and above this group, we will reach out to local and international experts from our collective connections so we are always informed on best ways forward. Our Facebook Page will also provide us with a powerful communication platform where we can take-on board constructive feedback.
    • If anybody would like to be involved please reach out via the Facebook Page or email me directly.


  • Trail Builders: both are proven world-clas trail builders who also handle themselves on a bicycle:
    • Bennet Nel – Bennet and his team of 6 people will be the main trail builders. Bennet built most of Jonkershoek’s trails to-date, as well as the Coetzenburg XCO Course.
    • Hylton Turvey – Hylton is well known for the trails in Karkloof and has already been involved in Jonkershoek. Hylton’s trail building style will add variety.


Refer to the single track map, which represents first draft of the plan. The idea with Jonkershoek is to create a multiple trail head approach, an approach adopted from learnings of leading international destinations. Each trail head will have a variety of trails stemming from them, which can be accessed by fire road and/or single track climb. For now we are referencing old trail names, but where necessary new trail names will be created as the various trails open.

jonkershoek map

Felling will continue in Jonkershoek until December.  Areas affected will be most trails originating from ‘Bench’ and ‘Quarry’ Trail Heads. Trail building commenced on August 17 around ‘The Neverending Story’ Trail Head. There will be intensive work in order to have all trails originating from the ‘Neverending Story’ Trail Head completed by October / November. Upon completion trails originating from ‘Bench’ and ‘Quarry’ trail heads will be built. Although this represents an aggressive timeline, we hope that by early 2016 most of these trails will be open and complete.


Lastly for now please ride / run / walk in the non-felling zones. We appreciate your support in this regard.” – Bobby Behan