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Entries for 2012 Die Burger Cycle Tour have closed

Entries for 2012 Die Burger Cycle Tour have closed

Entries for the Western Cape’s second-biggest road cycling event, Die Burger Cycle Tour, closed yesterday having filled up ahead of the official closing date of 19 November 2012, reports the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust, organisers of the event.

Die Burger Cycle Tour will take place on Sunday 2 December from Stellenbosch High School in Jannasch Street just off Merriman Street. The event features a 92km route for experienced cyclists, and a 44km route for novice cyclists.

David Bellairs, Marketing and Sponsorship Director of the CTCTT, says “Entries for Die Burger Cycle Tour have proved to be very popular. Many cyclists have entered the 92km as it is the final seeding opportunity for the 2013 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour. We are looking forward to a fantastic event and wish participants the best of luck with their preparation.”

5 500 cyclists will participate in the 92km route, while 1 000 will start the 44km route.  Last year, the men’s event was won by Herman Fouche from Cape Town Market/Noble Energy, while Swedish cyclist Jennie Stenerhag has dominated the top of the podium in the women’s category for the past five years.