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Declaration to the Ministery of Transport

Declaration to the Ministery of Transport

Too many cyclists have died in the past year after being hit by a car, bus or taxi. Amongst them were Olympic cyclist Burry Stander, as well as numerous commuters and other cyclists.

In the draft National Non-Motorised Transport Policy of 2008, South Africa’s National Department of Transport committed to getting more people to ride bicycles. Based on feedback from our members, one of the main reasons why more people do not ride bicycles on roads is because they are afraid of being injured or killed by a motorised vehicle. It’s as simple as that.

The Pedal Power Association (PPA) represent its’ over 18 000 paid-up members and other cyclists from all walks of life; from commuters to farm workers, school children, fun riders and competitive cyclists.

Together with everyone who has signed this petition, we call for the implementation of a minimum safe passing distance of 1.5m between motorists and cyclists, and also for improvements to be made to the K53 Manual and Driving License Test to make bicycle awareness a core part of driver training and testing. Remember: CYCLISTS STAY ALIVE AT 1.5m.

The Association looks forward to engaging with your department to enable South Africa to realise its dreams of being a caring country that places the safety of people at the heart of its transport policies.

Yours in cycling

Steve Hayward