In this email: Project funding applications Order your cycling top now for the Cycle Tour Forthcoming funrides Amendment to PPA Funride rules PPA Disqualifications update K
Here’s one for the girls: Are you new to cycling, and want to know more about cycle training, women-specific cycling equipment, nutrition (and weight loss), or just h
In this email: Forthcoming funrides PPA Women’s Cycling Workshop at Cape Storm Come to the Launch of the West Coast Cycle Path Following vehicles at events PPA Disqua
The new walking and cycling lane between Cape Town and Blouberg was officially opened on Tuesday 1 February. The occasion was attended by some 300-odd smiling cyclists, who
What’s on this weekend? Safe Cycling Where does the money go? Don’t miss out Paarl Rotary MTB Funride (06/09) What is safe cycling all about? Get some tips here
A number of leading mountain bikers have secured their entries for the Columbia Grape Escape, the new 3-day MTB stage race taking place from 4-6 March 2011. There are only
In this newsletter: West Coast Cycle Path Forthcoming Funrides on the PPA Calendar PPA Women’s Cycling Workshop at Cape Storm Please use the toilets provided at funri
In this week’s newsletter: Project Funding applications close 22 Feb PPA Women’s Cycling Workshop this Thursday Online payments: Do we know who you are? Funride proto
Good news for those cyclists who failed to secure an entry for the 2011 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour: substitution entries are now open.
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