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Author: PedalPower

12 November 2011 – Cycling South Africa reports that the outcome of the forum meeting called by SASCOC (South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee) today in Johannesburg between SASCOC senior representatives and the CyclingSA board has reinforced the partnership that exists between SASCOC as the parent organisation, and CyclingSA.

This week in the news:
  • Last Killarney training this week
  • Seeded event numbers
  • PPA “Heels on Wheels” presented by SHAPE
  • Forthcoming Events: November and December
  • What’s happening this weekend on the funride calendar: Weskus Mall Langebaan Lagoon Cycle Challenge
KILLARNEY CYCLE TRAINING Join us on 8 Nov for our last Tuesday training session of the year at Killarney. The track is unfortunately not available for the rest of November, and training sessions will resume in January 2012. SEEDED EVENT NUMBERS Please remember to bring and wear the blue road funride number to road events, and the brown funride number that says "MTB" on it, to MTB events. The numbers not only have different colours, but also a different numbering system. Because of the big difference in calculating road and MTB seeding, you will NOT be able to use your road number at a MTB event, or vice versa. Contact the PPA Office 2-3 days before an event  if you had not received a funride number to use at that event, or go to the PPA Mobile Office when you get to the event.

The last training session of the year will take place on Tuesday 8 November 2o11 (the track is not available for the remainder of November). Training will then resume on Tuesday 10 January 2012.

This week in the news:
  • MTB Workshop this weekend
  • Killarney training
  • Bike to Work on Wed 19 Oct
  • New women's-only funride
  • What to do if you don't complete a route
  • Forthcoming Events: October and November
  • What’s happening this weekend: PPA One Tonner
BIKE TO WORK: WED 19 OCT Worried about the new higher fuel price? Want to try something 'green'? Want to get an extra bit of exercise in for the day? Mobilize your family and friends and cycle to work on Wednesday 19 October. Using a bicycle to get to work is much easier than you think, and it may just inspire you to become a regular commuter! See the PPA website home page for more information. MTB BEGINNERS WORKSHOP Need some MTB skills training? Then join our beginners MTB skills workshop this Saturday 15 October, presented by ex-Olympic MTB rider Erica Green, on the farm Thandi in the Grabouw/Elgin area.

Another batch seeding run took place yesterday, and the funride numbers of PPA members who joined/renewed in the past 5 days, will be posted tomorrow. If you have renewed your subs and have not yet received your funride number, or think you have received an incorrect number, or are confused as to why you received the number you did, please read on...

Entries for the 35th annual Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour officially opened today at 13h00, and at times drew 30 entries per minute during the first hour.  The iconic event – the largest timed cycling event in the world – will take place on Sunday 11 March 2012.

Join the Table Mountain Bikers on Sunday 28 August 2011 for a leisurely ride on Table Mountain. This ride will form part of the “Mountain Safety Day” which is coordinated by SANParks, Police and Metro Police, with various interested parties also onboard.

We need your help! The PPA Executive Committee is looking for a cycling-related project/s that the Association itself can take on during 2012. In other words, what kind of project do you think the Association should become involved with? Perhaps you can think of something to do with cycling development and schools cycling; a specific commuting-related project or a project that would assist previously disadvantaged communities?

The good news is: After years of talking about it, we are finally able to split road and MTB seeding and from now on, our members will have a different road and MTB PPA seeded number. To set the ball rolling and to test the new system, we are now issuing new MTB ‘back numbers’ to all paid-up PPA members who participate in MTB events on the PPA calendar; the intention being to replace the MTB back numbers with permanent PPA seeded frame numbers from 2012.