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Author: PedalPower

The final league race of the season saw a much depleted elite field line up at the Durbanville Racecourse for the Tour de PPA. The timing of the Herald this year meant that all the usual racing teams were up the coast and so a...

The first league race of 2017, and fourth of the series, took place this past weekend out in Paarl. Hosted by Paarl Rotary, the 124 km Bouckaert-Soenen route is one of the longest on the calendar and promised exciting and tough racing, especially with a...

The City has compiled a Draft Cycling Strategy, which is a component of the broader Non-motorised Transport Strategy.  The Draft Cycling Strategy for Cape Town is available for public comment. It is important that we all read this document and give input. The strategy was developed...

JOIN US FOR A NEW KILLARNEY CHALLENGE THIS SUNDAY Join us for a new event: The 'Tour de Track'! Come and chase your tails around the track this Sunday and see how many laps you can do. “Racing snakes” (only riders with a seeding...

For the past three years, PPA has supported a cycling project in the Greyton-Genadendal area.  The projects supports some 40 kids from the area, aged 9-16, and PPA has provided with some entry-level bicycles, helmets and bicycle spares, and assisted to have off-road trails built...