The 2018 AGM minutes were adopted at an Executive Committee meeting on 2 October 2018
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Pedal Power Association
Monday 17 September 2018
Belmont Square Conference Centre, Belmont Road, Rondebosch
Note: The start of the meeting was delayed by 30 minutes for a quorum to be reached.
1. Welcome
The chairman, Rens Rezelman, opened the meeting and welcomed all present.
It was established that a quorum was present (52 members).
2. Attendance
PRESENT: PPA Executive Committee: Steve Hayward, Rodney Beck, John Gale, Rens Rezelman, Abbas Harris, Gordon Laing, David Bellairs, Roy Hannington, Sharief Peters
APOLOGIES: Galiema Harris, Shani Morton, Louis De Waal, Charles Scheltma, Mike Tippett, Felix Gnadinger, Bernie Eijdenberg, Greer Blizzard, Richard Gordge
3. Adoption of minutes of previous AGM
PROPOSED: Barry Wheeler
SECONDED: David Ackerman
4. CEO’s report
Robert Vogel, CEO of the PPA, presented his report. As contained in the AGM book.
5. Election of Executive Committee members
Seven nominations were received for the seven vacant positions, being:
Rodney Beck, John Gale, Abbas Harris, Galiema Harris, Sharief Peters, Alexis Scholtz-Wheeler, Frank van Asperen.
With no vote needed, all seven nominees were elected to the Executive Committee to serve from 2018 to 2020.
6. Chairman’s Report
Rens Rezelman, chairman of the PPA, presented his report. As contained in the AGM book and on the website.
7. Treasurer’s Report
John Gale, chairman of the PPA, presented his report. As contained in the AGM book.
HONORARIA: John asked the meeting for approval to pay honoraria to all Exco members at the same rates as per 2017. Approved.
Proposed: Roy Andrew
Seconded: Ken Sturgeon
8. Consideration and adoption of motions concerning the affairs of the PPA of which notice as given
None received
9. Any other business
Rens Rezelman gave some feedback with regards to PPA’s immovable assets and explained that the office would be relocating back to Mowbray once the building has been completed.
Gordon Laing also encouraged everyone with a query with regards to their neighbourhood to contact their local council as a first step.
10. Closure
Rens Rezelman declared the meeting closed and thanked everyone for their attendance.
The meeting closed at 20h10.
The following PPA members were elected to serve for two years in 2018 and still have one year to serve: John Gale, Abbas Harris, Galiema Harris, Sharief Peters (resigned), Frank Van Asperen, Alexis Scholtz- Wheeler (resigned)
In terms of clause 4.2.1 of the Constitution, (up to) seven new committee members need to be elected at this year’s AGM, to serve for a period of two years from his/her election. The following seven nominations have been received for the PPA 2019-2021 Executive Committee, in alphabetical order, all being paid-up members of PPA.
The Executive Committee reserves the right to co-opt one more committee member for a period of one year.