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March 2012

The Cape Times Lourensford races on Sunday 1 April are a selection of  one-day mountain bike and trail running races which coincide with the final leg of the Absa Cape Epic.

Congratulations to Ruth Scholtz, who wins a Giant Mountain Bike in the PPA Safe Cycling campaign competition. Please contact the PPA office before 12h00 on Thursday 21 March to claim your prize. The other great news is that the competition is being extended for another week, so if you have not yet done so, go onto our Facebook page and "like" the page so that you can post your picture to show your support of the "Cyclists stay alive at 1.5m" campaign.

The PPA results page and Racetec results pages have temporarily been disabled, so as to minimise redirects which slows down the server. To get your 2012 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour results, please click on this link....

We are really thrilled with the positive reaction that PPA's  "safe cycling" campaign is  receiving. The campaign comprises several elements to help get the message out there that vehicles should pass cyclists with a minimum distance of 1.5m: [caption id="attachment_2629" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Become a safe cycling ambassador and help us get this message out!"][/caption]

Entries for the PPA Wacky Wheels Overnight Cycle Tour on 16-18 March 2012 close on Tuesday 6 March 2012 . So, if you have not yet entered and don't want to miss out on this great fun cycling weekend, do get your entry in soonest!

Congratulations to Jan A Molema who wins a Giant Halfway folding bicycle, and Elroy Pace, who wins a Giant MTB. Both also win a Magic-Shine bicycle light in the PPA Safe Cycling campaign competition.